Updates on New Athletic Facilities
The track at Wunderlich Field was recently resurfaced and painted this past summer. Staff Photo: Kyra Geschke
September 12, 2018
This summer, many of the athletic facilities started work on improvements set to be finished within the next few months, including the Wunderlich tennis courts and the pool.
Also over summer break, the track was completely resurfaced and painted. The track had not been resurfaced in at least 16 years, when usually tracks are resurfaced every 10 years, according to the cross country and track coach. “The Track & [Cross Country] teams are very thankful to Than and the administration to help us get this done for the kids. The new surface that they added on top of the old track was very well done and the kids can feel the difference already,” Chen said in an email.
Along with the track’s much-needed enhancement, all of the tennis courts at Wunderlich are being resurfaced and painted because of cracks on the surface. Currently, there are six courts are Wunderlich and four were already resurfaced and painted this summer.
Along with resurfacing the remaining two courts, there are plans to add a seventh court next to the two courts. In order to do so, PG&E has to move the current power pole directly next to the courts. To do so PG&E has to move a power pole near the courts. This task took longer than expected though and the other courts were already finished when the power pole was finally moved.
While there is no official date for when the new court will be added and the other two courts will be renovated, Athletic Director Earl Koberlein assured that it will be done as soon as possible. “It’s a bummer we missed the opportunity to do them all at once, but it is [going to be] done,” Koberlein said.
In addition, the pool locker rooms are currently undergoing major upgrades, including updated locker rooms, a new coach’s lounge, decor and bleachers. The bleachers will be added once Menlo receives permitting for the steel structure. The new coach’s office and lounge will replace the shed that was previously being used as both an office and meeting space for the boys and girls swimming and water polo teams.
The locker rooms are undergoing major upgrades as the previous locker rooms were less than standard because of how long it has been since they have been renovated. The pool is also currently receiving new branding, including signage and pictures, which should be finished in roughly a month.
There are no other plans to update athletic facilities this year. There is a general plan for a complete renovation of the Cartan amenities, which includes new bleachers and renovations to the practice fields… but it is not yet on any schedule.