Out of Respect for Neighbors, First Homecoming Night Game Will Not Have PA System
Headphones will be given out during the game, because there will not be a sound system. They will receive the same sound that would normally be projected by a sound system. Staff Photo: Parina Patel.
October 9, 2019
The homecoming game against Carlmont High School on Oct. 11 will be the first-ever night game on Cartan Field. The field will be set up with lights and food tents, but there will be no sound system. Menlo has been working with Quiet Events, a company specializing in “silent disco parties,” to make the concept of a “silent disco” happen. Quiet Events has already put up antennas and tested reception strength at Cartan, according to Head of School Than Healy.
As fans from both teams enter Cartan, they will be given headphones that receive all the sound that would normally be projected by a sound system. This includes football announcements, the national anthem and the music for the float dances. After the game, students will return their headphones in a drop-off box, similar to returning 3-D glasses after a movie. “I just think it’ll be super unique and really fun. If people come into it with an open mind, it’ll be really enjoyable,” Healy said.
Given the unusual circumstances of this homecoming game, the Menlo administration had to be thoughtful in what they asked the Atherton town for. Even though the school was able to get lights — which required a special permit and a hearing in front of the town council — Menlo felt that asking for a PA system would be asking for too much, according to Dean of Students Tony Lapolla. “We were also trying to work with the neighbors to try to make it as less intrusive. I think it’s an easier way to get an approval the next time,” Lapolla said.
From the time after the pep rally ends to when the game starts, there will be food trucks and fun games on the loop, placed so that everyone may still be engaged in the homecoming spirit before the game starts.
According to Interim Chief Financial Officer Bill Silver, the funding for the lights, headphones, food trucks and games is all coming from the centennial campaign that launches on Homecoming Day. “We don’t get into the details of the spending; if the development wanted to, they could,” Silver said.