Some SATs Canceled, AP Exams Moved Online as COVID-19 Spreads
A student works in the SAT subject tests practice book from College Board. The May 2 SAT subject tests have been canceled. Staff photo: Sylvie Venuto.
March 21, 2020
As a result of the COVID-19 virus, the College Board canceled the May 2, 2020 administration of SAT tests, including both the SAT and the SAT II subject tests, according to College Board. AP tests have been moved to a 45-minute online exam, according to College Board.
Makeup exams for the March 14 administration of the SAT, which were scheduled for March 28, have also been canceled according to College Board. The June 6 administration of the SAT has not yet been canceled.
The AP exam will only cover topics and skills that most AP classes have already covered in class by March in order to make up for the fact that some students may have lost more instructional time than others, according to College Board. (Students may check which content will be covered on the AP exam in the table here.) The exam questions are currently being determined by educator-led development committees, College Board said.
This online exam may be taken on a computer, tablet or smartphone, as well as handwriting and then sending in a picture of the work, according to College Board. Shortened AP exams are conducted each year for college credit for students who had emergency situations, according to College Board.
Anti-cheating protocol for the 2019-2020 AP tests includes a variety of security tools, including plagiarism detection software, College Board said. The date of the AP exams will be posted here in the table on the College Board website by Friday, April 3.
Instructional support, beginning Wednesday, March 25, will also be provided by College Board for AP courses, according to College Board. This resource includes free, live AP review courses and other resources for students and teachers to progress through the rest of the year.
“I’m kind of disappointed. […] I really want to take the [normal AP] test,” Sophomore Elizabeth Curtin said. Curtin is currently enrolled in AP United States History.
“We’ll be as flexible as possible to give students the best chance to show their skills and stay on the path to college,” wrote College Board’s website.