Menlo Teachers Describe Shelter-in-Place Activities
May 16, 2020
English teacher Oscar King has spent his time with his wife and new puppy. Renaissance (Ren or Renny for short) has been a handful, but he is finally learning to get along with his brother and has been participating in many Tik Tok videos! Photo courtesy of Oscar King.
Math teacher Eve Kulbieda has been spending more time with her family. They recently went on a hike behind their house! Photo courtesy of Eve Kulbieda.
Math teacher Randy Joss has been spending his time in many different ways, including weeding in his backyard, running (before the paths were closed) and getting a haircut from his daughter! Photo courtesy of Randy Joss.
Math teacher Zachary Blickensderfer has been reading and cooking to pass the time. He has also been spending a lot of quality time with his dog (pictured here). Photo courtesy of Zachary Blickensderfer.
Since he has not had access to a gym, history teacher Matthew Nelson has created one at home! Using cans as weights after his runs and using a pull-up bar in his local park (and, of course, washing his hands afterward), he has creatively kept up his daily workouts! Photo courtesy of Matthew Nelson.