What’s your name?
Aleigha Alcantar
How did you become a security guard at Menlo?
This is my first security job, actually. I just had to get a new job, and they put me here, and I ended up liking it. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it but I ended up liking it.
How long have you been working here?
About eight to nine months.
What is your favorite part about working here?
My favorite part about working here would be getting to see the community vibe, and [that] everybody is so nice. Oh, [and] the sports teams. It’s really good to see all of you guys in action. Here and there, I get to watch.
Which teams have you watched?
Menlo College softball girls. They get down. And then the [high school] basketball girls. I like them too. I like the girls. I used to play sports myself. Softball and volleyball.
What is your least favorite part about working here?
Maybe when it rains and it’s wet out here. That’s about it.
What’s the funniest interaction you’ve had while working here?
I would say when, last year, it was around prom time, some kid — [Willis Johnson (23’)] — was waiting to get his pizza, [which he decorated to use for a promposal], and lunch was about to end. He had two minutes. And the delivery guy was late, and he finally got it and ran all the way to his prom date. It was so fun to just watch, like, just all the effort.
Where do you get your nails and lashes done?
I get my nails done at Eastridge Mall in San Jose. And my lashes — I put them on myself, but I get them at the mall.
How do you choose which nails to get?
This one set in particular, I just wanted gems, and the nail technician pulled out this whole case. I couldn’t choose, so I was just like “do all of them.”
How much do you pay for them?
I never go above $200. That’s my budget.
How long does it take to do your makeup every day?
40 minutes, and I’m ready to go.
What’s a typical Friday night for you?
I go home and I put on my shows. On Fridays, I can finally stay up and watch them. Or I’ll go to my family’s house. Hopefully it’s someone’s birthday. And then I get to go out for a little bit.
What shows do you watch?
I watch “Baddies” on Zeus Network. And then I watch “You.” “You” is good.
Which version of “Baddies” do you watch?
I’ve watched all of them.
What other reality TV shows have you watched?
I’ve been trying to get into “Love Island.” I started it from the first season, and then I couldn’t get into it so I skipped all the way to the current ones. And I’m watching the reunion right now. So I do watch “Love Island,” I watched “The Circle.” I like the games that they play [in “The Circle”], like you could be anybody you want, and how they get to trick people.
Favorite food?
I’ll have to say Italian for sure.
Favorite movie?
Right now, I’ll always put on “Apocalypto.”
If you weren’t a security guard, what would you want to be?
I would probably be a business owner. Like a successful business owner. Maybe in the beauty industry somewhere.
What product would you make?
I would say for sure lip product, I’m not too sure what. Or even eyelashes. From my own brand, that’d be cool.
Is that a goal?
Um, yeah no, not a goal. My goal… I’m going to school right now to be a computer scientist.
What school do you go to?
Evergreen Valley College.
What got you interested in computer science?
I’ve seen online careers that make a lot and that are in demand right now. And that was one of them.
Do you like it?
I started to like it. At first I was just doing it just to do it, but now I’m starting to like it.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I make treats. I’m a treat maker. So I make, like, cake pops and stuff. Yeah, so it’s like a little side business. And I also make cosmetics, like soap, lip gloss and face masks.
Where can we find your brand?
I’m rebranding right now, so I’m going to have to get back to you on that. I want to cater it more towards everybody. I think I made it too girly before, so I want to make it for everybody.
What was the name before?
It was called Brat Boutique.
Are you adding anything to the new brand?
I wanted to make a self-defense line for girls. It’s like a keychain for everything you need. Like a window breaker, a whistle, a laser, I think it’s a flashlight or, like, an alarm thing. I feel like girls should just have a little something.
Where do you get your style from?
I would say maybe my older sisters — we all kinda all dress the same. And also [in] the city that I’m from, [San Jose], I feel like all the girls kind of dress the same.
What’s your favorite social media platform?
TikTok for sure. I like to watch @dylan.mcarthur, or “Dylan Eats.” He always gets me.
Rate Menlo parking out of 10?
I would give it an eight.
What’s your zodiac sign?
I’m a Leo.
Do you like astrology?
Yes, it’s in my bio on my Instagram.
Which sign best matches yours?
I would say I get along well with Libras. But what I read is that Sagittariuses match me. But in my experience, I get along well with Libras.
What’s your philosophy on self-care?
I feel like it’s more of a mental thing — how you feel. You’ll feel better on self-care day if you just take time for yourself. So whatever makes you happy, whether that’s makeup or even just hanging out and just relaxing.