As the holiday season approaches, we often find ourselves running around trying to find last-minute gifts for our loved ones. And though I appreciate the ease of the incessantly long holiday wish lists that many people (including myself!) cultivate each year, I find that my most successful gifts are always the ones the recipient never thought of asking for in the first place. But how can you come up with that golden-ticket kind of gift? I’ve compiled a list of my best tips to be a winning gift-giver this December (and always)!
Spoiler alert: the big idea is that you should treat gift giving as a year-round activity. Of course, December holidays and friends’ birthdays only roll around once a year. But don’t let that stop you from always being considerate!
Tip #1: Listen
It sounds easy, but the best thing you can do to improve your gift-giving ability is to listen to your friends’ interests and opinions. Year round, I constantly find myself intrigued by what my friends’ current obsessions are, and by the time December stress comes around, it may be hard to have those authentic conversations when everyone is so overwhelmed. Thus, it’s always a good idea to pay attention to what your friends are into and what they mention they need before the holiday season hits. Your friend compliments your sweater? Buy them something from that brand. A family member mentions they lost an important item? Try and find an even better replacement.
Tip #2: Remember
Listening is great, but it is important to be able to remember what your amazing gift ideas were by the time a holiday is approaching! Here’s what I recommend: make a note on your phone titled “Gifts” and make subheadings for each of your loved ones. Whenever something pops up into your mind, write it down! You’ll end up with a great list of unique ideas, taking away the stress of the holiday season.
Tip #3: Save inspiration
Sometimes the best ideas don’t come from our own brains, but from the genius of others. If you come across a great Pinterest board or an amazingly-curated TikTok, save it (hopefully by adding it to your new note in your Notes app). While some gifts can be cliché, there are very unique ideas in the depths of the internet; for example, I once bought someone a scratch-off cookbook that I found on TikTok to make surprise recipes.
Tip #4: Write meaningful cards
Gifts can be tricky. But the best gifts don’t even have to be purchases. A great card is held on to for years and years, either posted on one’s bulletin board or kept in a shoebox in their closet. Either way, putting time and effort into the words you write to someone on a special occasion can mean a lot. If you want to go the extra mile, get a clever, high-quality card! My personal recommendation is a card from Paper Source at Town & Country in Palo Alto.
Hopefully these tips will help you avoid the flurry of frantic internet shopping this holiday season. Remember, when it comes to gift-giving, it’s not about buying the nicest or most expensive items for your friends and family. Paying attention and buying thoughtful gifts often means even more.