The following responses have been pared and edited for clarity.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: 1,000% sushi. I like a spicy tuna roll with tempura crisps.
Q: Are you kosher?
A: Yeah. I’m not super religious or super strict about it, but I do try to keep kosher. So for me, I don’t eat pork, and I try to not eat meat and cheese together. I also can’t eat shellfish but I accidentally had crab once and I threw up, so I think I’m also allergic.
Q: What’s your dream job?
A: I really want to be a surgeon right now. Sometimes I want to be a brain surgeon, but currently, I want to be an orthopedic surgeon, and I want to live in New York. I think it’d be fun to work for a sports team, like basketball. I would want to be an orthopedic surgeon for the Knicks.
Q: Where does this motivation stem from?
A: My grandpa was a doctor and he passed away before I was born. But my mom always talks about him and he became an inspiration for me. And then when I was in third grade or younger, I used to play the brain surgery games on Cool Math Games, and I found them super fun. I also really wanted a job with people because I’m a people person.
Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
A: Honestly, I feel like I’m a pretty open person. If I want someone to know something about me, I’ll definitely tell them.
Q: What’s the color of your aura?
A: I don’t think I’m a particularly spiritual person but I really like green. Like true green, not a deep green. Like those Lululemon Hotty Hot Shorts.
Q: What’s your favorite show?
A: Gossip Girl.
Q: Favorite characters from Gossip Girl?
A: Oh my God, absolutely Chuck and Blair… classic. But Nate has my heart.
Q: What is on your bucket list?
A: I want to go to Tanzania and I want to see the Great Migration. And then I want to hike or backpack Mount Kilimanjaro.
Q: If you could become fluent in any language, which would it be?
A: I have a goal of being fluent in more than three languages. My dad’s fluent in Italian, Spanish, French (well enough), and English, and he always says the best way to learn about different countries and their cultures is through language. I want to learn Italian and then all of the Romance languages.
Q: Do you have any teachers that you’ve really looked up to?
A: Every year my teacher relationships have guided my experience, but particularly Mr. Spence. I don’t know if he knows this, but he instilled a lot of confidence in me and my ability to do work and learn.
Q: Comfort movie?
A: “Cheaper by the Dozen 2.”
Q: Favorite qualities in a friend?
A: Loyalty and a good listener — when they value what I have to say.
Q: How do you hope people remember you?
A: A warm person, welcoming. Someone they can say “hi” to when passing by.