By Riley Burgess
CoA: Where did you go to school before you came to Menlo?
JB: I went to USC before I came here
CoA:: Why did you choose to come to Menlo?
JB: I was an intern at the Riekes Center, and then Jesse called me asking if I could come, so I decided it was a great opportunity.
CoA:: What do you actually do in the Fitness Center?
JB: I basically do what Jesse does, but I also have to do laundry and I get here a little later.
CoA:: What do you do in your free time?
JB: I workout a lot, I like to do outdoor stuff like hiking and surfing or going to the beach
CoA: Do you play any sports yourself?
JB: Yes I love to play basketball
CoA: What is something unique about you?
JB: This is like my favorite question in the world, because there’s nothing unique about me.
CoA: What’s your favorite animal?
JB: A Crocodile, or probably a lion. I like lions, go with a lion.
CoA: what’s your favorite thing about Menlo so far?
JB: Everyone is really nice, and Jesse is really fun. Or the weight room is really nice.
CoA: What’s the most important trait to bring to this Center?
JB: Never giving up.
CoA : Who would win in a fight, a knight or a Trojan?
JB: A Trojan for sure.
*Jessica’s name was misspelled in the print version, it is spelled Bramlett