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The Student News Site of Menlo School

The Coat of Arms

The Student News Site of Menlo School

The Coat of Arms

The Student News Site of Menlo School

The Coat of Arms

All content by Izzy Klugman
Academic advisors take an oftentimes confused and stressed out student, answer their questions, and work with them to determine a course load that will best fit them and their wants and needs. Staff illustration: Izzy Klugman

Menlo Implements Academic Advisors for Freshmen

Izzy Klugman, Staff Writer
April 30, 2022

A new need has come up this 2021-2022 school year for Menlo School students surrounding course selection. So the school introduced student academic advisors...

Freshman varsity soccer players Amelie Giomi and Roya Rezaee stand by the lockers after their daily practice after school, talking about their practice schedule for the following week. Staff photo: Izzy Klugman.

Menlo Varsity Athletes Reflect on the Student-Athlete Experience

Izzy Klugman, Staff Writer
February 18, 2022

Menlo School is infamous for its challenging academic load, and playing a varsity sport can add yet another burden for students. Yet, somehow they manage...

A Stanford vaccine technician approaches a car to administer a booster shot. Vaccination clinics, like this one at Stanford Hospital in Redwood City, are now open for boosters for anyone over the age of 12. Staff photo: Izzy Klugman.

Menlo Community Reacts to COVID-19 Boosters

Izzy Klugman, Staff Writer
January 23, 2022

After Menlo’s return back to campus after virtual learning the week of Jan. 3, many students are wondering when school will return to its normal activities...

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