Malia Chen, Assistant Social Media & Marketing Director
Number of years in The Coat of Arms: 2
Favorite aspect of journalism: Interviewing people and working with everyone on the staff!
Interests outside of school: Dance, fashion, traveling, and hanging out with my friends.
Class of 2026
All content by Malia Chen
Between running a 10k, completing a 24-hour challenge in Target and going on a road trip, second-semester seniors are taking advantage of their limited...
The earliest years of childhood are filled with discovery, play, learning and more. For a select group of Menlo students, those formative years took place...
From installing new cameras in the parking lot to air conditioning in classrooms, Menlo has been constantly expanding technology on campus over the past...
Every morning, Menlo students drive into the school parking lot, expecting enough spots for everyone. Recently, however, more parents have started using...
Every morning, chaos unfolds in the student parking lot as cars defy one-way signs, swerve into spaces and barely fit within the lines.
This July, 31...
Two weeks after the Menlo administration introduced a new platform called Club Hub, the rollout of the program was halted after senior Alexandre Haddad-Delaveau...
Step onto the quad during the early hours of the first day of school, and senior traditions are in full swing. Alongside the seniors decked out in outlandish...
This year, Menlo introduced an Ambassador Program to help welcome the incoming ninth graders onto campus at the Freshman Orientation. The program consisted...
This collection of stories is an online extension and reproduction of the Coat of Arms 50.5 print edition. This package includes the original articles...
For years, Menlo School’s rejection wall, also known as the “wall of shame,” stood as a bold emblem outside the Student Life office. On the wall,...
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